In the Studio with Angela Wilson
Angela Wilson is a playwright and director and the founder The Angel Wing Project (AWP), a non-profit theatre company with a mission to “positively impact our community by providing uplifting, entertaining shows and events to inspire appreciation for and participation in the arts.” Since 2017, AWP has been a resident theatre company at CAC, bringing important shows such as ‘Tears of the Soul,’ Angela’s original play voted “Festival Favorite” at the DC Black Theatre and Arts Festival in 2019, and August Wilson’s ‘Fences.’ to the stage. Here is Angela talking about her work:
On being an artist: I have always been creative and innovative in my thinking and ways of doing things. I don’t know that there was one particular moment I realized I was an artist because I have been involved in art in some form most of my life whether it was on stage or off. As far as understanding myself as an artist and what I could contribute to the world; that came much later.
AWP Cast
On pursing art and performing professionally: I had various times in my life where I wanted to pursue something, but it never seemed to be a good time. I was a young mother and wife and although I did stay connected to performing; singing in choirs, groups, and later acting in plays, I did not pursue having a performance arts organization until 5 years ago. I have always been a singer so that was what I had time to do during those years of raising a family. But about 6 years ago, I attended a conference that was life-changing and it was the catalyst to me coming to the point that I knew I needed to do something “more” with my gifts and talents.
Scene from ‘Tears of the Soul’
On finding her voice: I love writing plays and I have been doing it for a long time. I started out writing church plays and skits. After doing it for many years, I started to find my voice, understand my style and realize that I had something important to say. I researched performing arts organizations and I stepped out on faith armed with a business plan and a grant proposal, asked a few friends to help me and that is how The AngelWing Project was born. It has been a roller-coaster ride with many, many more highs than lows but lots of hard work. I do have to say that it has been more than worth it because we have been richly blessed.
On finding inspiration: Strong, resilient people inspire me. People who when facing unsurmountable odds can still find a way to persevere. That is what I typically write about.
On giving back: I am just out here trying to make the world a better place through art and giving back. I am offering a fresh perspective that maybe someone has not seen. While there is nothing new under the sun; what makes us artists is that we are always finding new ways to express life.
Others are welcome to join us.
On teaching through performance: I teach through my plays and when I get feedback from the audience or even the cast about something they have learned, not only about the plot of the play, but about life; I feel like I’m living in my purpose. Also, when I can challenge people to do something they have never done and they do it and they kill it, it makes me extremely proud.
To aspiring artists and performers: Understand what makes you unique, what is your original perspective on things, and then figure out how can you tell that story to the world through your art.
What’s next for The Angel Wing Project?: I am currently working with a company who will be producing my most successful play, Tears of the Soul, virtually. Also, we are scheduled to perform August Wilson’s Fences this fall. With Covid-19, I am not sure when that will be. We have a scheduled date, but I am not sure how that is going to work with social distancing. Stay tuned.
To learn more, visit The Angel Wing Project website or follow on Facebook.