Pre-Show 7:00pm | Show 8:00pm
Tickets: $100.00/person includes pre and post-show receptions with complimentary drinks and hors d'oeuvres (The proceeds raised from the event will support the Chesapeake Arts Center.)
In an intimate one-night only performance, CAC’s Executive Director Belinda Fraley Huesman, a masterful storyteller and songstress will share her journey on becoming the "Hero of Her Own Story." Huesman will move you from tears to laughter, proving age is only a number and dreams never die. Huesman was named CAC Executive Director in the fall of 2012. She has grown CAC’s programs, audience, and funding during her tenure, elevating CAC in the region as a force for arts engagement and community revitalization. Please join Belinda for this unforgettable performance that benefits CAC’s arts and education programs.